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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Icons,Symbols and Index


The icon is the simplest since it is a pattern that physically resembles what it `stands for' and are directly related to what they display.

Example of icons:
1. Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty is a direct visual reference to the state of New York.
Also, many people associate it with the United States and freedom. It has many different meanings and is truly an icon.

2.The picture of a smoking cigarette with a diagonal bar

across the picture is an icon that directly represents
`Smoking? Don't do it'.


Are often abstract and have to be learned by the viewer seeing what the symbol represents a few times.
The symbol consists in a natural or conventional or logical rule, norm, or habit, a habit that lacks (or has shed) dependence on the symbolic sign's having a resemblance or real connection to the denoted object. Thus, a symbol denotes by virtue of its interpretant. Its sign-action (semeiosis) is ruled by a habit, a more or less systematic set of associations that ensures its interpretation. For Peirce, every symbol is a general, and that which we call an actual individual symbol (e.g., on the page) is called by Peirce a replica or instance of the symbol. Symbols, like all other legisigns (also called "types"), need actual, individual replicas for expression. Theproposition is an example of a symbol which is irrespective of language and of any form of expression and does not prescribe qualities of its replicas.

A word that is symbolic (rather than indexical like "this" or iconic like "whoosh!") is an example of a symbol that prescribes qualities (especially looks or sound) of its replicas.


No living nonhuman animals are able to use word-like symbols.

[There are some assertions that a few individual animals use a small (< 50 item) inventory of symbol-like units using hand signs or small physical tokens.]

If this claim is true, it implies

  • a huge divide between humans and nonhuman animals.
  • It means no animal communication systems can be understood as just `simple versions of human languages'.
  • Nonword Symbols.

    The most common use of the term symbol is for signs that are not words:

  • bald eagle for USA,
  • bear for Russia, etc,
  • cross for Christianity,
  • star of David for Judaism,
  • swastika for Nazism,
  • font for a specific product (eg, Coca-Cola, Indiana University, etc).
  • So, nonword symbols are much like words but often lack a phonetic form.



    Most road signs are index because they directly illustrate what you should or should not do/watch out for.


    1.wet floor sign

    The wet floor sign points directly at the meaning through the image of a person slipping.

    2.Big house

    The big house shows the meaning of the wealth..


    1. I agreed with Noorsyafiq post that icons, symbol and index give us some meanings that play important roles in our life.

      For me Statue Of Liberty showed that ' together we stand, divided we fall'. It gives America's people strength to defend their country. For the icon no smoking give me directly meaning of no smoking in that area. same as index,it give meaning to us. Picture index above showed wet floor sign. imagine if the index is showed in different way, of course people will not understand.

      we need this icons, symbol and index in our life.

    2. The important of the Icons, Symbols and Index are fully clear as like Noorsyafiz post above. In our life, there are no reason if we do not need these things. For example, I pick one of those. It is the smoking sign, we can take it an icon for the people.

      When people watch it, people do understand what is the meaning. The icon told people "Do not smoking" around the area or else. The meaning was delivered from the icon directly to the people. So in here, it is important when these things applied to our life.

      If these Icons, Symbols and Index do not apply in our life, people will be disorganized. From that, the life will not arranged as normal.

    3. i agreed with the aiman statement. icon, symbol and index illustrate the meaning that play roles in our life.
      in my point of view,
      icon illustrated the meaning through it icon, it can give a different meaning depend on the people who watch it, example like aiman and noorshafiq opinion about statue of liberty, but it still illustrated the common meaning which is patriotism.

      the with the icons, symbol and index make the life more easier as most of them is globally use.

    4. I do agree that the statue of liberty has different meaning for different people. Some may say that the statue represent that "Woman are the ruler of the states" or "Woman have their own rights". This is because the statue of liberty is a statue of a woman, thus the meaning must be related to women.
      Somehow, the people who lives there already adapt to the real meaning of the statue of liberty.

      For the no smoking icon, people already know that they are prohibited to smokes at the area when they see the icon.

      The differents between icon, index and symbols are
      "The term sign is often used for all three of these: icons, indices and symbols. All have a signal aspect, some physical pattern (eg, a sound or visible shape) and a meaning (some semantic content that is implied or `brought to mind') by the signal. But they differ in that icons have a physical resemblance between the signal and the meaning and an index has a correlation in space and time with its meaning. But a symbol is an arbitrary pattern (usually a sound pattern in a language) that gets its meaning primarily from its mental association with other symbols and only secondarily from its correlation with environmentally relevant properties."


    5. Icons,Symbols and Index. 3 of them is important to our life. It is because there are some usage or important massage that want to show to people.
      I would like to talk about Icons. For example The Statue of Liberty in US. That statue have many meanings for US people. Like also in Malaysia, Tugu Negara, it build because to remember for who had dies for Malaysia to find a freedom from Japanese. This give a lot of means for who's their family just killed and they will always proud from what is their ancestors have sacrificed.

      That have show Icons are really important for people. Moreover for the new generations because, this new gen is forgotten what their ancestors have done to the country. By this icons, the kindness from the ancestor to be remembered always.
